High touch accelerator for ambitious experts and thought-leaders who are ready to scale up to multiple 6-figure years, impact more clients and create more time & financial freedom !

Guiding you through my proven framework that takes you from inconsistent course, membership and workshop sales to a validated, replicated, integrated framework that scales and sells — consistently

If you’re an established, driven entrepreneur, who’s looking for a repeatable, reliable method to enroll premium clients one-to-many — while simultaneously building a reputable, powerhouse brand that stands out — this program is for you!

"I was stuck, overwhelmed, overworked; my revenue was wildly inconsistent across products and I had no idea what the hell to do to get over this sales hump.”

If you’re reading this right now, then you’re just like most established professionals and entrepreneurs I work with.  

You came here looking for an answer because you’re exhausted.

You’re working your ass off. You keep launching different offers, workshops and programs, jumping from one marketing hoop to the next. And while you’ve met with enough success to keep the lights on…the revenue consistency and financial freedom you keep hoping for just isn’t happening.

There’s a reason for that. And it’s not what you think.

I created Pilot to Profit to shine a bright, hard light on that reason and personally guide you — step by step — through designing and scaling up your product suite, implement value-based marketing and sales strategies to ramp up your visibility and fill out your 1:many offers with ease, and implement systems and automation so you can ACTUALLY enjoy your success.

And if you want to know why you can’t seem to get past a certain plateau, I’ll shed some light on that HERE. But right now, I want to clearly explain what this program is and how it works.

"From ZERO to 270K! "

"Eli helped me sell out my course idea as a workshop in 2 weeks, with 12k profit — before turning it into an evergreen online course, with $270K in enrollments."

Frank Bunn  Financial Advisor

Look, you already know the key to working less and making more is having scalable offers. But the way you (and 93% of your colleagues and competitors) are getting there is unpredictable at best, ineffective at worst.  

So instead of taking random shots in the dark, I'll show you a more predictable way to scale up your product suite to double (or triple) your revenue with high touch 1:many programs and passive offers.

Then we'll work together to plan and execute multiple 5-figure launches to fill your program seats with ease.

You'll learn how to build your authority with on-point messaging, marketing, and visibility to attract the right clients who are READY to pay high ticket prices to work with you.

And, guide you on structuring, designing and delivering your 1: to many product that is built for client retention  and loyalty.

How? By doing six very specific things in very specific order. We’ll work together every week to tackle the following. 


Gap Analysis

We'll skip those generic, useless "finding your perfect client" exercises. Instead, I'll take  you through a very powerful, practical research process to uncover UNMET needs in your niche/industry. Issues and problems that are NOT being served by anybody else.

Correctly identifying these unmet needs is what gives you the unfair advantage over everyone else in your industry.


find your differentiator

I'll show you how to fill that gap with your unique solution. Your prospects and clients need a lot more than just your knowledge and experience.

What they really need from you — your solution and true value — comes from your past experiences, personality traits; your passion and your purpose. These are the ONLY things with the power to show an ideal buyer what clearly separates YOU from hundreds of thousands of others.

STEP ​​​​three

develop your framework

I'll show you how to turn your UNIQUE solution into a framework using my proven formula. This is the roadmap you'll leverage to deliver a results-driven scalable program and create your future offers — along with all of your marketing and promotional content.

Getting clear on what your way of getting results is — what makes that process unique to you — is the only path to delivering valuable results and outcomes for your customers.

STEP four

Attract Targeted Leads

I'll work with you to create your Conversion Event, which will serve as your lead generation machine.  Most lead magnets either sit there collecting dust, failing to entice their target buyers — or worse, they attract the wrong crowd: leads who have zero interest in buying anything. 

Think of Conversion Events as lead generation on steroids, using interactive and live touch points with prospects to shorten the gaps between the like, know and trust phases. 

We’ll reverse-engineer your framework to come up with a Conversion Event, This could be a webinar, a live mini-training, or challenge   that attracts the right people — and primes them to buy in a very short amount of time.

STEP five


Here comes your Lead Conversion and Automation System. Listen to me here: you DO NOT need thousands of people on your email list to generate predictable income.

You just need to know what to do with those leads once you get them!

You need to learn how to properly nurture them — and how to balance that nurturing with invitations to enroll in your programs. In a very short span of time, we’ll work together to create pre- and post-launch email campaigns to keep them engaged and nurtured post-event, to seal the deal. And the best part? ALL of this is automated!

STEP ​​​​six

deliver results

This is key in keeping your promise and increases the Life Time Value (LTV) of each customer. Do this right and you can create a multiple 6- or 7-figure income with even the smallest of lists (my client Frank is living proof; see his testimonial below).   

This is an effortless rinse-and-repeat process of attracting, engaging, nurturing and selling. Instead of creating a gigantic training program in a vacuum, focused on your entire solution, you’ll use my method to roll out a mini-training instead — a smaller piece of your bigger solution. This does 3 things: 

1) It’s easier for your buyer to get results, because the training is focused on one outcome only.

2) You’ll increase the lifetime value of that buyer. When they get results, they’ll be ready to jump into the next offer you roll out — without hesitation.

3) You’ll use this method to turn each training into an evergreen after the initial launch/delivery.

Carol Surya  
Psychologist, Founder of Raising Positive Kids

"This is brilliant! I filled all my seats within the first 4 days of launch!"

"I already have about 8 clients needing to do the next workshop.

This is the refreshing and wonderful by-product of running a workshop like this; they help you create your next offer and they’re there to jump in and take it when it’s ready 😊

Love, love, love it!!!!"  



Caemin O'Connor  
Founder, LteMind 

"Eli guided me through each stage of the process!"

"I had read many books and taken many trainings that talked about how to create, promote and sell your Digital products and services, but the difference with Eli is that it’s 1-1, so I got real time feedback on my progress. This really helped me to fine tune everything.

Before this workshop, I used to think that only creating a great online course was enough. All I had to do was put out a freebie and I'd start getting customers. But since taking this workshop with Eli I’ve realized that every element, from the lead magnet to the email sequence, all play a vital role.

Having Eli by my side, and guiding me through every piece and part has made a huge difference."

"I certainly would not be where I am with my business if it wasn’t for you and your TREMENDOUS support. "

"Thank you SO MUCH for all you have taught me through the Pilot 2 Profit program! I can’t believe how much more solid my marketing knowledge is since I started working with you!”"

Sheri Mahaney
Career Development Coach, Consultant

"I love Eli's heart-based, simple and genuine approach!"

"Eli is not only going to hold your hand throughout the process, but she'll see the role your course plays in a wider strategy to help you get clients and money!"


""Following Eli's guided way, I filled up my program when I launched it."

"Eli's system absolutely changed everything for me. She allowed me to think about my training differently, in a way that I have never come across from any other training program.

She helped me figure out what's truly unique about me and my training, what I bring to the table, and how to communicate that to my audience's needs and desired outcome."

Carol Surya

 There are some serious problems with all that "expert advice" you've gotten up to now.  

Traditional, upfront market research and validation is NOT bullet proof.
You can do all the research you want — but your audience telling you they'll pay for your course or program DOES NOT equal them actually taking out their credit cards and doing so.

There's no reliable way to know if you've delivered transformation until you get real life feedback. Until people have a chance to put what you say into practice and get results. With a 1: many offer, that means thousands of course sales, just to get a handful of testimonials or feedback comments.

We're talking 6-12 months before you know whether the approach you're teaching ACTUALLY gets results.

Working this way means you’re starting over, from square one, with EVERY product you lunch. When you realize nobody’s biting because that course doesn't solve the right problem for them? All that time and effort — a full year of your life — is now completely wasted.

You have to start over and try something else, once again hoping you’ll luck out and delivers something that sells. This is why MOST experts can't crack the code to selling 1:many products that is consistent and predictable. 

You are also missing at least one of three critical components

To build a thriving business selling courses, memberships or workshops, you need to have three key pieces in place — and there’s a good chance you’re missing at least one of them.

All of which are absolutely required to build and scale a lucrative, thriving six-figure business selling courses, memberships or workshops. And by the end of our time together in the Pilot to Profit program, you will have ALL 3 IN PLACE:

 1) A Scalable Offer. You can package anything and sell it, but will people actually buy it? A truly sellable, profitable product has to:

a) meet a need that isn't being met by anyone else,
b) be a solution that could only have come from you, and
c) be absolutely transformational in terms of getting people promised results.  

2) Lead Generation and Sales System. You need reliable, replicable processes and systems that allow you to attract the right leads, nurture and build trust and convert them to buyers.  

 3) Delivery System. A replicable, scalable, results-driven framework that can take different students in a course — or groups of people in a workshop — through the same process, without needing to reinvent the wheel each time. 

Scalable business Model

Why Pilot to Profit WORKS

 I'll give you 5 GOOD reasons why: 

I’ll personally guide you through each part of this process — from research, to creating your program structure, to planning your launch campaign. That includes running your own live free event: planning your strategy, creating the event content and creating a high-converting launch email campaign and sales page to sell your program.
You get to brainstorm and implement what you learn during the live sessions. This is NOT a situation where you’re lumped in with hundreds of other people with little hope of getting your questions answered. Instead you’ll work in small breakout sessions to brainstorm how to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your situation. 

And you’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions and get feedback during my live office hour sessions that happen every week.

You’re not going to follow some cookie-cutter formula or pathNo two offers, or audience, or niche are created equal. Your audience might be on LinkedIn; your classmate’s audience might be on Instagram. Each of you need a specific, unique, personalized path to get your free live event in front of your specific audience.

I’ll break down copywriting basics to help you write your sales page and marketing emails.  We’ll create the right messaging and positioning of your live event from the registration page to delivery, so everything sounds like you, communicates what your prospects need to hear and helps them see you and your paid program as the solution they’ve been praying for.

 Unfortunately it’s something many never learn to do; they either follow a cookie-cutter approach or outsource it to a copywriter who knows nothing about them or their audience. 

Look, nobody knows your expertise like the way you do — and nobody else can replicate your unique views and tone of voice. These are the critical parts that audience will gravitate toward; it’s why they’ll buy from you.

I’ll show you that this is not a skill reserved for some chosen few, but something you can learn and cultivate as part of the program.  

ZERO tech headaches The people enrolled in that group program are paying you to help you.  You’ll get access to a free marketing platform (if you don’t have one), along with tutorials to guide you through every part of the process to set up your live event, launch campaign, emails and sales pages. Writing a copy that resonates with your target audience is key in marketing.

Every session is recorded and available as soon as the session is over. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to join me every week inside our live office hours. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions, or get feedback on what you’re working on.  

In addition, you’ll be part of a small community, accessible by your mobile device. You get to interact with me, your classmates. Post your questions and get feedback in real time.  

Please understand that I’m never going to ask you to scratch anything and start from the beginning. But going through this process with me, will help you see the holes and the missing pieces that’s kept you from consistently attracting the right audience and selling your offers. The exercises I’ll be taking you through, will be an eye-opener for you.

You’ll be so clear as to what sets you apart and how your offer is exactly the right solution to your ideal buyer’s exact problems. When you have this clarity, you can’t help but wanting to shout it from the mountain top. And that confidence, clarity and understanding is your secret ingredient to set yourself apart from everyone else and guarantee the right people gravitating towards you and wanting to work with you (long before you even make them an offer).

Neither was I. First of all, writing copy is not something that you’re born with, it’s something you can learn to do – like brushing your teeth or driving a car. The secret to writing copy for your launch campaign, emails, sales pages, etc is making sure you’re saying the right things that your ideal buyer needs to hear in the right order that would piece everything together to tell them the right story.

It’s like putting the right ingredients to make a soup. As long as you know what those ingredients are, and in what order to put them together, you’ll hit the jackpot every single time. Every marketing material (email, sales page, webinar,..) has a different ingredient in a specific order and that’s what I’ll teach you to do inside this program.   But the real power comes from bringing your personality and tone of voice into your copy.

That’s something that nobody else can do, but you. And once you know the formula (ingredients), you’ll be able to take that and put together all your copies for as long as you’re in business.  


And you'll have me right by your side, helping you — piece by piece, step by step.

We'll turn your expert knowledge into a 1:many offer that's unique to you,  based on your expertise, life experiences, passions, skillsets and ideas.

We'll validate that product with a pilot program to make sure it's one your ideal clients want and will buy — BEFORE you create any content!

I'll show you how to co-create your training content with your audience to determine the necessary modules, content, and training videos you need to create.

We'll plan, create and roll out your Conversion Event together we'll structure a live event to help you attract your ideal buyer and shorten the path from getting to know you, to trusting and buying from you. 

We'll plan and structure your Launch Campaign  that builds momentum and anticipation prior to your FREE live event; and continues to build excitement well after your event is over.

Nurture and convert with confidence. I'll guide you through my proven copy writing framework to  help you write a high converting sales page and launch email campaign to seal the deal and get your audience to click that enroll button.

Let's turn up the volume and get you traffic. I'll help you identify the right platform and strategy to reach your ideal buyer and invite them to your live launch event. his strategy is personalized to your offer, audience and personality.



2 weekly LIVE SESSIONS with me, guiding you through beginning to the end. From ideation all the way to launch and  monetization.  We'll meet live to make sure you know what the marching orders are — and so you can get guidance and feedback for specific to your situation.

FREE LIFETIME ACCESS to your own marketing platform ($480 value), to set up your VERY first training program and marketing funnel, so you can hit the ground running once your course is launched and ready for sale (system.io).

Private 1:1 coaching call with me ($250 value). A one hour 1:1 coaching call where we'll create a strategic plan of action to build and maintain your thriving online training business. 


Training on how to setup your lead generation and sales funnel.

($500 VALUE)

Build your sales training website.

Connect it to an email autoresponder.

Set up and automate your lead generation system and related processes.

Give you access to a professionally-designed template for your live training.


Swipe Files responsible for 20K-30K course and program launches:
Your Sales Landing Page, Launch Email Campaign and Lead Magnet Registration Landing Page copy.

($1500 VALUE)


Ready to plug-in Funnel Templates:
Sales Landing Page,
Lead Magnet Landing page, Thank you Page, Order Page.

($500 VALUE)


Access Lead Magnets that Convert LIVE Workshop recording, to continue generating those leads on autopilot in between your conversion events.

($250 VALUE)

"I am absolutely impressed by the level of clarity, detail, and confidence boost I have received thus far from this course. It is worth every penny."

 I’ve generated $27k with just one launch!

 April 2023 I followed Eli’s Piloting approach to launch a new program. I delivered a 2-hour training, resulting in 27K revenue.

Financial Advisor

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6Easy Payment Plan


Pay in full + Save $300


If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, overworked and unsure of your next steps...


is the answer you've been praying for!